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What's a Space Hop?

Space Hop

/spās ˈhäp/ 


noun: space hop; plural noun: space hops; 

  1. a trip into deep space made by laborers, research workers, scientists, or students, especially related to work, reconnaissance, or study.

“The team organized a space hop to the company’s mine on the 7th moon of Gujaral.”

“Sileea’s seventh-grade students were excited for their first Space Hop to the Yarillian Cave Station.”

Space Hopper

/spās ˈhäpər/


noun: space hopper; plural noun: space hoppers

  1. A person who is a member of a crew or team engaged in a space hop.
  2. A person who engages in speculative space exploration, especially to find new resources with the intent to sell or trade.

“The space hoppers retreated to the escape shuttle when the unknown life form breached the main cabin.”

noun: space hoppers

  1. A card game originally created by the Signko Corporation to keep flight crews occupied on long-range space hops.

noun: The Space Hoppers Club

  1. An afterschool club at Singko Academy that goes on weekly space hops with a focus on archeology and ethnography.

Singko Corporation